Publication Title Goes Here
You should put a short sentence to describe the publication here. This helps to convince readers that they should keep reading.
You should put a short sentence to describe the publication here. This helps to convince readers that they should keep reading.
This introduction is slightly larger than the main body text to help catch the reader's attention.
Congratulations, someone downloaded your eBook. This introduction is your chance to make sure that they actually read the book from cover to cover.
Jane Smyth
Jane Smyth (CEO & Founder)
Your introduction should be no more than one page long so that a busy person can scan read and still get a good idea of the overall message.
What are the main benefits that a reader will receive from this book? How will the knowledge in this book help them to improve? Summarise these in a simple bullet list:
Finish the introduction with a personal message to the reader. Speaking directly to your audience helps to show that the book was tailored for their individual needs.
It's hard to trust someone who you have never met. be sure to include a photo of the author so that readers can at least put a face to the name. if you are writing your ebook on behalf of a company you might want to include a team photo or a photo of the CEO.
Have you gained this knowledge by working in the industry for a long time? Perhaps you achieved outstanding results based on the knowledge contained in this book.
Remember, the purpose of this page is to give readers an insight into who you are. You can share details of a non-work hobby or passion so people get to know you on another level.
This is a short summary that should describe the main themes of this chapter.
A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.
Bruce Lee
This is a persuasive statement that encourages people to click the big button below.